Gluten free, home-style Asian dishes.All fresh, local ingredients. Free-range, grain-fed chicken (no hormones).
No hormones, growth stimulants, preservatives or artificial ingredients. Ivy’s Garden Food is based in San Jose, California. Our products include Sweet & Sour Chicken, Lemon chicken and Chicken Nuggets, (all gluten-free).
We continue working to perfect other gluten-free, Asian-delicious dishes for you.

Dorothy Risty-Schon (Brentwood, California)
I prepared one of your (Ivy’s Garden) Sweet and Sour Chicken meals for my dinner last night and it was perfect. I enjoyed every bite! I had planned to save half for a second meal today. That didn’t work out–I couldn’t stop eating, and ate the entire 2 meals! I’ve tried two different Asian restaurants locally for gluten-free sweet and sour chicken, and I’ve been so disappointed.…the food is nothing like this real sweet and sour chicken!

Chrystal Carver, Cookbook Author (Portland, Oregon)
I made an amazing Frozen Meal today from Ivy’s Garden Sweet and Sour Chicken for 2! I was pleasantly surprised that it tasted fresh, the chicken was crispy, and the vegetables still had a bit of a crunch to them (not mushy like some frozen veggies). My family enjoyed the Sweet & Sour Chicken over fresh steamed rice (not included) and would definitely purchase this item in the future.

Melissa Bess Reed, Cookbook Author (Southern, California)
“Sweet and Sour Chicken” I was hopeful the chicken would stay crunchy in the sauce, it did! It was a great texture through to the last bite. The flavors are very authentic in this frozen Meal. The sauce was perfect with the chunks of pineapple, onion and green bell pepper. According to Ivy’s Garden they create “authentic Gluten-free Chinese food dishes”, I agree they really do a fantastic job!